Guri's sister Magli, who was married to Einar Larsen Lovoen, also lived in the Flom area. Two of her brothers came to America. They were Anders and Henning. John and Guri were charter members of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, Aspelund, ...
Les festivités ont terminé par au cocktail ? l'hôtel MABUILU. Nous vous proposons ci-apr?s l'homelie de Mgr l'év?que dans son intégralité. Ensuite vous pourrez suivre l'événement ? travers les diapositives sélectionnées pour vous ? ...
Guri's sister Magli, who was married to Einar Larsen Lovoen, also lived in the Flom area. Two of her brothers came to America. They were Anders and Henning. John and Guri were charter members of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, Aspelund, ...